We develop these into complete systems – especially for monitoring large 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines – and comÂbine these systems with intelligent displays.
Our products are used in both maritime and industrial applications and we can always bring our strengths to bear when
- Critical environmental conditions that require robustness of the system
- Life and health must be secured
- High costs are to be feared if the system fails
Our products are oriented towards cusÂtomer benefit and the life cycle of the engine. An important advantage for our customers is the approval of our prodÂucts by the ship classification societies. We see ourselves as a partner for all participants in the life cycle of a ship: shipyards, engine and propulsion manÂuÂfacturers, ship owners and operators.
Advantages at a glance

Development strength
We have extensive expertise and capacity in the development of hardware and software, with smart sensor technology at the heart of our deÂvelÂopÂment activities.

Customer proximity
Many of our products are customer-specific develÂopÂments for the solution of individual problems.

We are a small company and can therefore act and react at short notice.

High depth of added value
In our manufactory we produce small series of high quality products, which always meet the high quality requirements of the ship clasÂsiÂfiÂcation societies.

Fast action
We reproduce most of the production steps in our own company, which creates independence and ensures the quality of our products.

Our products are characterized by their duraÂbility, as well as the long-term availability of our products and the long-term supply of spare parts.
Would you like to know how you can use our expertise to add value? Are you looking for a concrete solution to a technical problem?